When customizing handbags, many customers only give manufacturers drawings without physical templates. So which handbag manufacturers customize handbags according to the drawings provided by customers?
Given the fact that different handbag manufacturers have various scales, those with relatively small scale usually don’t have professional customization team, and they are unable to customize your handbags according to the drawings you provide. Drawings are different from physical templates. Many customers give us drawings without physical templates. If customers give us their physical templates, we can draw designs according to their template or just make some modifications to their templates. Therefore, manufacturers which can make customized handbags according to drawings must have rich experience in handbag making and should be able to customize bags of various styles.
Boshenhandbag manufacturer boasts a professional team with more than 20 years’ experience in handbag customization. We can customize bags of various styles. Please feel free to send us your drawings and let us do the customization work.