Boshen Handbag Manufacturerleather goods custom & OEM Service

Matters needing attention for belt manufacturer to prevent mildew

2019-03-21 10:34:06 

It’s very wet in winter in China and belt is apt to be affected with damp and go moldy. Today, belt manufacturer reminds everyone of precautions against mold.

Thebest way for belt manufacturers to prevent mold is to control thehumidity. Moldy belts should be sterilized timely. Belts which are left unused long should be wrapped with plastic filmso as to avoid dust and moisture. Mildewpreventivemay be placed in thepacking bagand the packing bag should be kept clean and tidy inside and outside. Mildewpreventivereleases anti-bacteria agentsand skills bacteria and inhibits their growth in a relatively confinedspace so as to achieve the moldproofand antibacterial effects.


Mold should be prevented in detail. Anyone in need of OEMbelts may consult other belt manufactureror Boshen, a leather goodsmanufacturer.