Nowadays, many customers pay much attention to the LOGO of the bag in handbag customization. Now, GUANGZHOU BOSEN LEATHER GOODS CO., LTD, a leather goods manufacturer is sharing the treatment methods of the LOGO.
Normally, leather goods manufacturers place the LOGO in two areas on the bag, namely on the leather surface of bag and on the metal part of bag. There are two methods for LOGO on leather surface of bag, namely hot pressing and cold pressing. Hot pressing is to heat the molded copper mold, and press the LOGO with external force on the leather with heat. It requires certain level of technology and the temperature needs to be well controlled. And cold pressing is to simply press the LOGO with external force with the molded copper mold.
GUANGZHOU BOSEN LEATHER GOODS CO., LTD, as a leather goods manufacturerwith 25-year customized handbag experience, hasfrequently adopted these LOGO pressing methods. If you need a leather goods manufacturer, please visit BOSEN.