Boshen Handbag Manufacturerleather goods custom & OEM Service

How to identify real handbags and bags? Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods Manufacturer has ingenious device.

2018-06-21 10:39:03 

When customizing bags, many laymen customers are most concerned about the reputation of leather goods manufacturers. Customers should learnto judge by themselves whether the quality of the customized baggood or not.

Today, Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods Manufacturer shares withyou threeclevertricks to identify real handbags, namely, touch, see and smell. Method1: touch the leather surface, if it feels smooth, soft, and elastic, then it ismade of leather. Instead, if the surface feels astringent, rigid, inflexible,then it is made of synthetic leather.Method 2: the surface of real leatherhas clear pores and patterns. Method3: realleather has the smell of leatherwhileartificial leather has a strong irritating plastic smell.


Embracing a "credit-based,quality first, and servicefirst-rate" business philosophy, Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods Manufacturer has obtainedthe trust of customer.You can have a try here to do high-quality real-leatherhandbags.