Boshen Handbag Manufacturerleather goods custom & OEM Service

How do Guangzhou handbag manufacturers deal with hot weather?

2018-06-14 10:35:56 

In recent days, Guangzhou has always been hot. High-temperature will seriously affect the production of Guangzhou handbag manufacturers. Then howshouldGuangzhou handbag manufacturers deal with hotweather?

The work can be done inseveral aspects: first, do a good job in the cooling of production sites to avoid employees’suffering from heat stroke;second,check all types of machinery and equipment, circuits and wires to prevent failuresin the operation of machinery and equipment in high temperature environments. The third is to properlydeal with power failure caused by hightemperature. The electrical load increases for useat high temperaturestend to cause circuit faults.


Though high temperature and heat are hard to resist, if Guangzhou handbag manufacturers properlyresponse in all aspects,it is believedthat the smooth operation of the factory will not be greatly affected.