In recent years the market has been flooded with counterfeit luxury products. How to tell genuine luxury products from fake ones is a puzzle for consumers. How does a handbag manufacturer decide whether or not a handbag is a true luxury product?
Here are some tricks that a handbag manufacturer often uses for this purpose. First, have a close look at the leather and smell it. A true luxury handbag features rich granularity on the leather surface that is excellently glossy. On the contrary, a shoddy leather handbag is poor in granularity and lusterless and the leather even gives off a chemical smell. Second, look at the stitching and workmanship. As for a high-end handbag, the stitching come in tidy, fine pinholes. Third, look at the gilded print of the logo. The print font of the logo must be clear and free of fading. Fourth, the hardware and accessories must look full and glossy.
Want to know more about how to authenticate luxury products? Welcome to consult us at BoshenHandbagManufacturer!