Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods Manufacturer, as one of the “Top 10 Leather Goods Manufacturers in Guangdong”, not only specializes in leather goods processing but also has aspiration for bags and suitcases. Next, we’d like to share something with you.
To me, Shanghai LV Expo looked like a spatio-temporal tunnel, with the overall style and details well-controlled. By dint of showing the development of the industrial age and the changes in people’s lifestyle, such as trains, automobiles, yachts… the expo presented the evolution process of LV brand from its founding to producing various kinds of bags and suitcases. Diverse customized travelling bags were the focus at the expo.
In the future, Guangzhou Boshen Leather Goods Manufacturer will participate in various kinds of expos to broaden its horizon and learn more knowledge so as to manufacture better leather products for clients!