Many customers have the handbag manufacturers for OEM and are curious about the metal parts on the bag. Now, GUANGZHOU BOSEN LEATHER GOODS CO., LTD wants to talk about where the metal parts are from.
Firstly, the metal parts on bags need to be manufactured by the professional metal pressure casting factory and meal electroplating factory. Many customers ask whether the handbag manufacturers produce the metal parts on their own. The answer is no, since metal parts and bag are two completely different industries. Normally there are two channels for purchasing metal parts for the handbag manufacturers: The first is purchase from market stock and there are various kinds of metal parts in different levels of quality in metal part market. The second is customized metal parts, which are mainly with special logo, special specifications or in special quality.
GUANGZHOU BOSEN LEATHER GOODS CO., LTD, a professional handbag manufacturer, welcomes your consultation for more metal part issues of bag!