Boshen Handbag Manufacturerleather goods custom & OEM Service

Why should handbag manufacturers charge modeling fee for making hardware logo for customized leather handbags?

2018-08-14 10:40:02 

Many customers like to have their own logos imprinted on their customized handbags. Handbag manufacturers would often charge hardware mold fee, but some customers do not know why the fee should be charged.

In fact, any handbag manufacturer would charge the fee from customers having their own hardware logos imprinted on their customized handbags. Since different customers use different logo, handbag manufacturers need to make a new set of molds for each new customer. The cost of modeling hinges on the material and size of the mold as well as the degree of difficulty of making the logo.


If you have any other questions in leather handbag customization, you are welcome to consult Boshen handbag manufacturersat any time.