Whether the factory could provide the free proofing when customizing the handbags?
Whether the factory could provide the free proofing service when customizing the handbags? Of course, but the premise is that the customized quantities should meet a certain condition.
The factory will spend a lot of energy and materials for the proofing, if the customers do not place the order in the factory in the end, the factory will suffer from sheer loss. No sample fee, the customers will pay no attention to the proofing, even worse, some will gain the samples by cheating. Actually the sample fee is the sincerity of mutual cooperation, after the customers determine the sample, and place an order for the customized handbags, the factory will refund the fees to the customers to guarantee both parties’ interests and realize win-win.
GUANGZHOU BOSHEN LEATHER GOODS CO., LTD could provide the free proofing for the customers who customize the handbags, and when the customized quantities reach 300, GUANGZHOU BOSHEN LEATHER GOODS CO., LTD will refund the sample fees to the customers.
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【Duty editor】:BosenCopyright:http://www.cnboshen.comReprint please indicate the source
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