Should we select PU or leather material for making handbags?
It mainly depends on your positioning. If your positioning is ordinary handbag, you can select PU. If you want to make high-end handbags, Boshen Leather Goods Manufacture suggest you to select leather.
Most of ordinary handbags are made from PU, but Boshen Leather Goods Manufacture find PU handbag looks old after being used for a while. In addition, bag angles are easy to wear, and the paint edge is easy to rupture. However, the leather bag looks good after being used for a long time. The leather handbag does not look old even after being used for one year but has good-looking luster.
Boshen Leather Goods Manufacture suggest you to make leather bag, for it has advantages. Welcome to contact us for leather handbag customization!
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【Duty editor】:BosenCopyright:http://www.cnboshen.comReprint please indicate the source
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