LV has expanded its factory, which means that leather goods manufacturers in Guangzhou will embrace a bright future
As the representative of China’s leather goods processing industry, leather goods manufacturers in Guangzhou should pay close attention to the development of leather goods and handbag market. Now the demand for leather goods is expanding and the market of leather goods and handbags is also booming.
LV, a French luxury-goods giant, is in an unfortunate position to meet customers’ needs due to the increasing demand for wallet and purse, handbags and other leather goods. As a result, recently, the LVMH group has expanded its production scale and plans to open three new factories. They say they will continue to train higher-quality craftsmen to improve productivity, which is worth learning by leather goods manufacturers in Guangzhou.
Leather goods and handbag market is booming, so the sales of customized leather bags will increase significantly. If you are seeking leather goods manufacturers in Guangzhou to produce customized leather bags, please come to Boshen.
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【Duty editor】:BosenCopyright:http://www.cnboshen.comReprint please indicate the source
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