Handbag manufacturers tell you relationship between handbag style and price
When inquired about the price of handbags by customers, handbag manufacturers would often ask the customers to provide a handbag sample or design drawings. Why?
More often than not, customers ask a handbag manufacturer to quote a real price before they determine the style. This is not scientific. Before inquiring about the price of a handbag, you should first finalize its design drawings. Only in this way can you know the style and size of the handbag, and the size will influence the amount of material to be consumed in the manufacturing, thus leading to different costs. The more complexity of the handbag style, the higher cost it takes. Therefore, the price is surely different.
When a customer inquires the price of handbags, the manufacturer cannot randomly quote a price for it either. Boshen Leather Products Company here suggests customers make adequate communication with the manufacturer, for only sincere communication can solve all the problems.
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【Duty editor】:BosenCopyright:http://www.cnboshen.comReprint please indicate the source
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