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Guangzhou leather bag manufacturer briefs on the daily use of leather bags

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Guangzhou leather bag manufacturer briefs on the daily use of leather bags
Browse:- Release date:2019-04-26 15:19:43【Big In Small

Guangzhou leather bag manufacturer has noticed that many leather bags damages are caused by improper daily use, so it is necessary to pay more attention in daily use.

1. When storing sharp objects in the bag, be sure to package the sharp items completely and then put them. 2. When switching the locks of the bag, do not mix foreign objects in the lock, which will damage the hardware of the bag. 3. When using the handbag, try to make the leather bag avoid rubbing frequently with the denim fabric, it will be easy to dye. 4. Long-term direct light will decolorize, discolor and deform the bag.


The above is related introduction to the "Precautions for daily use of leather bags". If you still don't understand, you can always consult the Guangzhou leather bag manufacturer Boshen Leather.