From what channels does a leather goods manufacturer usually purchase hardware?
Many customers outsource production to a leather goods manufacturer, and wonder from where the hardware on handbags is bought. Today, GUANGZHOU BOSHEN LEATHER GOODS CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “BOSHEN LEATHER”) will talk with you about the source of hardware.
First of all, handbag-borne hardware’s machining process involves many steps such as die-casting and electroplating. These need to be done in a specialized hardware die-casting factory and electroplating factory, since leather goods manufacturers don’t work on hardware processing. In general, a leather goods manufacturer buys hardware from two channels: one is that it buys spot goods on the hardware market, where there are various hardware of varying quality. The other is that it buys customized hardware, mainly including the hardware with a special mark, specification or quality.
BOSHEN LEATHER is a professional leather goods manufacturer, which you are welcome to consult on more questions about handbag-borne hardware!
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【Duty editor】:BosenCopyright:http://www.cnboshen.comReprint please indicate the source
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