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BOSHEN LEATHER: to be a leather goods manufacturer with efficient execution

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BOSHEN LEATHER: to be a leather goods manufacturer with efficient execution
Browse:- Release date:2018-01-15 11:08:22【Big In Small

Recently, BOSHEN LEATHER organized production staff training themed by “Execution Does Matter”, determined to be a leather goods manufacturer with efficient execution.

As a specialized leather goods manufacturer founded years ago, BOSHEN LEATHER knows very well the importance of efficient execution. Only a leather goods manufacturer with executive power is able to well implement its system and standards, stabilize its quality and maintain its high productivity. At the training meeting, BOSHEN LEATHER analyzed some problems in the production system that induced low execution and figured out the causes, and then gave advice on how to improve the execution.


Only when every employee strives to be a high-performance executor will a leather goods manufacturer be able to do all work efficiently. BOSHEN LEATHER will also improve employee training, to make itself a leather goods manufacturer with the strongest executive power.