to the best leather handbag manufacturer in China!
Let's goFocus on the high quality leather handbag manufacturing for 25 years,with a area of 88.000 SQ FT and five morden production lines.Products include various handbags and leather goods, such as men’s bags, women’s bags, wallets and belts.we are one of the top 10 leather goods manufacturers in Guangdong, China.
As a leading handbag manufacturer with integrated abilities of research, production, sales, and service together, You can simply send us your drawings or clear pictures of bags, our professional designers can realize them for you.
Now we have more than 200 workers and the factory has a total area of 88,000 SQ meter. Our production capacity is 30000-50000pcs each month,specializing in producing all kinds of handbags with fashionable style and high quality,
Our designers will integrate your design inspiration to achieve the products development.
A large showroom has series design of products. When you visit our factory, you must would like our style, for these style, you can choose them for your brand.
No matter the sample from our website ,or the design that you provide us ,we both can be manufacture for you .The sample production time is about two weeks.
The bulk production lead time is around 5-7 weeks from confirm order.
We predominantly deliver by international express(DHL,FedEx,etc) as well as by sea.
We accept bank transfer or PayPal.
Any problems about the product quality, we can provide compensation or solution.
Questions about our products,services,sample making or the factory tour?